Success stories.
Falkensteiner Hotels
Falkensteiner Hotels
Erich Falkensteiner - Owner
“By using real-time data and AI-based analyses, it helps us to efficiently optimize our cost structure and make well-founded decisions. I'm impressed by the accuracy and ease of use of the platform.”

Hotel Avidea
Hotel Avidea
Melanie Bacher - host
“Getting all information automatically from a single source saves me time and energy. With profitize, I feel well informed and I'm increasing my profit at the same time!”

Robert Prenn - Marketing & Sales
“With one click, I get an insight into our operational performance and can react quickly if necessary! If I have any questions or challenges, the profitize team is always by my side.”

Der Forsterhof
Der Forsterhof
Magdalena Erlacher - host
“With profitize as a constant companion, I can see whether I'm on track even during the year! I make the right decisions and I benefit from how they translate into better business figures.”

Hotel Weisses Kreuz
Hotel Weisses Kreuz
Mara Theiner - host
“profitize shows valuable optimization potential and skilfully guides me through the economic challenges over the course of a financial year!”

Andreas Pomella - Host
“Simply smart! The clear analyses and forecasts from profitize give me a holistic operational picture of the past, present and future and enable me to make better decisions.”